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Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The British Film Industry 30 questions

1. 15% of the global box office British film was responsible for.
2. 6.8% claimed in 2009.
3.This change indicates that Britain is rising up the ladder of film production and becoming more popular.
4. Harry Potter, Skyfall and The Kings Speech are mainly responsible for this rise in percentage.
5. 7% of all British films make a profit.
6. 17% of Hollywood films make a profit
7.13% difference between £2m and £10m films
8.We could infer that a movies profitability increases with the amount of money that is put into it.
9. Teenagers make up the largest percentage.
10. Most films are aimed at teenagers making them the largest audience.
11. 3D Films have seen a 18% drop...
12. ... with big family films seeing the biggest fall.
13. Charles Gant says that families need to economise and 3D films don't let families do that.
14.Paul Greengrass is a British Film director.
15.Paul Greengrass described the British Film Industry as a "Success Story".
16. The BFI says that smaller, low budget films are for "skills and training development and for artistic and cultural importance".
17. 'Filth' had a budget of £1.8m and made £4m
18. James McAvoy says that £100m movies have an advantage in the way that they can sell the film more via advertising.
19.VOD stands for 'Video on Demand'.
20. VOD market increased by 50% last year.
21.VOD will have an impact on distributors and studios by allowing smaller films with lower budgets to reach a larger audience like A Field in England.
22.VOD has had a massive impact on Blockbuster rental stores, causing them to go bankrupt and close all remaining stores.
23. 'A Field in England' distributed on all platforms at the same time (Cinema, DVD/Blu Ray, VOD and in an actual field in England).
24.'The Machine' director Caradog James says that the hardest thing about making a film is making it reach an audience.
25. Widening the Cultural Test puts Britain on a level playing field with the rest of Europe, allowing for more competition.
26. The use of visual effects has been pushed so that British Effects companies can benefit morefrom every film made.

  • Film set in the UK
    The Worlds End- Yes
    The Kings Speech- Yes
    Kill List-Yes
  • Lead characters British citizens or residents
    The Worlds End-Yes
    The Kings Speech- Yes
    Kill List- Yes
  • Film based on British subject matter or underlying material
    The Worlds End- Yes
    The Kings Speech- Yes
    Kill List- Yes
  • Original dialogue recorded mainly in English language
    The Worlds End- Yes
    The Kings Speech- Yes
    Kill List- Yes
  • Represents/reflects diverse British culture, heritage or creativity
    The Worlds End- Yes
    The Kings Speech- Yes
    Kill List- Yes
 28. George Osbourne has given the British Film Industry a tax break.
29. Skyfall is the highest grossing film in UK history.
30. It took £94.3m and showed on 587 scenes.

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