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Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Films I saw during the Summer

Kick Ass 2-
 I wanted to go and see the film ever since the cliff hanger at the end of the first film. I'd also read the Graphic Novel so I really wanted to see it. I also knew it had a good director (Jeff Wadlow) so I was keen to see it. I thought the film was great... But put the film next to the first one and you could really see the difference. The first film included great music and it was a good solid story. The second films music was really lack luster and the story was really slow in some parts, e.g. Hit Girl's troubled teenage years. The first time I saw it I was constantly distracted by a person on her phone next to me. The second time however I thoroughly enjoyed it.
I really enjoyed the film but it could have been better by a stronger story and better music choice. 

Monsters Uni-
I love Pixar. So as soon as I saw that the prequel was coming out and I automatically knew I was going. The trailer was really good and didnt reveal any main parts in the story so you could still enjoy it in the cinema. I loved the film as I thought I would. The music was great, the story was great, everything about it was perfect. Some people did not like the film because they thought it just copied Monster Inc but if you look past that fatc, it is a great prequel! Prequels are never normally good but when you have such loveable characters as
Mike and Sully, you can't complain. I loved the film and think others would enjoy
 it even if they have never seen a Pixar before.
Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa-
The jump from small screen to big screen doesn't work for many TV shows. For example Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Alan Partridge does not fall into this category. Alpha Papa is a well written, well rounded film with good music and acting. I went to see the film because I was a massive fan of the TV Series and I also wanted to see how it was altered for the big screen as occasionally in the series the episodes could drop near the end. The film did suffer from a slight drop towards the middle but if definitely picks up with some classic British wit and comedy gold. The atmosphere in the cinema was great. The were a lot of fathers with their sons trying to show them what real comedy is. Everyone was laughing and it was just great. I loved the film and would recommend it to anyone that loves comedy! 

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